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Sunday, 22 April 2012

First and Last Row of the TABLE

First row of table 
SQL>select * from EMP where rownum = 1 order by rowid desc;
Last Row of table
SQL>select * from EMP where rowid IN (select max (rowid) from EMP);
SQL>select  * from (select * from emp order by rowid desc) where rownum = 1;


SQL> select ename , sal from emp a where 1 = ( select count(*) from emp b
where b.sal > a.sal);
ENAME             SAL
---------- ----------
JONES            2975

We can generalized this query for other highest salary.

SQL> select ename , sal from emp a where N-1 = ( select count(*) from emp b where b.sal > a.sal);

where N-1 is the any number which you want to select rank wise salary.
for example if we want to select third highest salary then N-1 becomes 2 and
if we want fourth then it becomes 3.

Difference between VIEW and SYNONYM.

Difference between VIEW and SYNONYM.
1.   It doesn’t contain data itself.

     2.view occupies no space for data

     3.view has only query

1. It contain data itself.

2.synonym occupy space for data

3.synonym can be used as an alias name for the table name

Difference Between ROWID AND ROWNUM

Difference between ROWID and ROWNUM.
                       Row id
1.Physical address of the rows.

2.Rowid is permanent
3.Rowid is 16-bit hexadecimal
4.Rowid gives address of rows or records
5. Rowid is automatically generated unique id of a row and it is generated at the time of insertion of row.
6. ROWID is the fastest means of accessing data.
7. They are unique identifiers for the any row in a table.

1. Rownum is the sequential number, allocated to each returned row during query execution.
2. Rownum is temporary.
3.Rownum is numeric
4.Rownum gives count of records
5. Rownum is an dynamic value automatically
retrieved along with select statement output.
6. It represents the sequential order in which Oracle has retrieved the row.


¯  Trigger Vs Procedure
1.   Trigger does not accept parameters.

2.   A trigger is executed implicitly by the oracle engine.
1. Procedure accepts the parameters.

2.Procedure is execute explicitly, called by a user