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Tuesday 1 May 2012

Normalization with Example

Why do we need to do normalization?

To eliminate redundancy of data i.e. having same information stored at multiple places, which eventually be difficult to maintain and will also increase the size of our database.
With normalization we will have tables with fewer columns which will make data retrieval and insert, update and delete operations more efficient.

What do we mean when we say a table is not in normalized form?

Let’s take an example to understand this,
Say I want to create a database which stores my friends name and their top three favorite artists.
This database would be quite a simple so initially I’ll be having only one table in it say friends table. Here FID is the primary key.

FID FNAME FavoriteArtist
1 Srihari Akon, The Corrs, Robbie Williams.
2 Arvind Enigma, Chicane, Shania Twain

This table is not in normal form why?

FavoriteArtist column is not atomic or doesn’t have scalar value i.e. it has having more that one value.
Let’s modify this table

FID FNAME FavoriteArtist1 FavoriteArtist2 FavoriteArtist3
1 Srihari Akon. The Corrs Robbie Williams.
2 Arvind Enigma Chicane Shania Twain

This table is also not in normal form why?

We have now changed our table and now each column has only one value!! (So what’s left?)
Because here we are having multiple columns with same kind of value.

I.e. repeating group of data or repeating columns.

So what we need to do to make it normal or at least bring it in First Normal Form?
  1. We’ll first break our single table into two.
  2. Each table should have information about only one entity so it would be nice if we store our friend’s information in one table and his favorite artists’ information in another
(For simplicity we are working with few columns but in real world scenario there could be column like friend’s phone no, email , address and favorites artists albums, awards received by them, country etc. So in that case having two different tables would make complete sense)

1 Srihari
2 Arvind
FID Favorite Artist
1 Akon.
1 The Corrs
1 Robbie Williams
2 Enigma
2 Chicane
2 Shania Twain

FID foreign key in FavoriteArtist table which refers to FID in our Friends Table.

Now we can say that our table is in first normal form.

Remember For First Normal Form

1...Column values should be atomic, scalar or should be holding single value
2...No repetition of information or values in multiple columns.

3...So what does Second Normal Form means?

 Second normal form our database should already be in first normal form and every non-key column must depend on entire primary key.

Here we can say that our Friend database was already in second normal form l.

Because we don’t have composite primary key in our friends and favorite artists table.

Composite primary keys are- primary keys made up of more than one column. But there is no such thing in our database.
But still let’s try to understand second normal form with another example
This is our new table
Gadgets Supplier Cost Supplier Address
Headphone Abaci 123$ New York
Mp3 Player Sagas 250$ California
Headphone Mayas 100$ London

In about table ITEM+SUPPLIER together form a composite primary key.

Let’s check for dependency

If I know gadget can I know the cost?

No same gadget is provided my different supplier at different rate.

If I know supplier can I know about the cost?

No because same supplier can provide me with different gadgets.

If I know both gadget and supplier can I know cost?

Yes than we can.

So cost is fully dependent (functionally dependent) on our composite primary key (Gadgets+Supplier)

Let’s start with another non-key column Supplier Address.

If I know gadget will I come to know about supplier address?

Obviously no.

If I know who the supplier is can I have it address?


So here supplier is not completely dependent on (partial dependent) on our composite primary key (Gadgets+Supplier).

This table is surely not in Second Normal Form.

So what do we need to do to bring it in second normal form?

Here again we’ll break the table in two.
Gadgets Supplier Cost
Headphone Abaci 123$
Mp3 Player Sagas 250$
Headphone Mayas 100$
Supplier Supplier Address
Abaci New York
Sagas California
Mayas London

We now how to normalize till second normal form.

But let’s take a break over here and learn some definitions and terms.

Composite Key: -Composite key is a primary key composed of multiple columns.
Functional Dependency – When value of one column is dependent on another column.

So that if value of one column changes the value of other column changes as well.

e.g. Supplier Address is functionally dependent on supplier name. If supplier’s name is changed in a record we need to change the supplier address as well.


“In our s table supplier address column is functionally dependent on the supplier column”

Partial Functional DependencyA non-key column is dependent on some, but not all the columns in a composite primary key.

In our above example Supplier Address was partially dependent on our composite key columns (Gadgets+Supplier).

Transitive Dependency- A transitive dependency is a type of functional dependency in which the value in a non-key column is determined by the value in another non-key column.

With these definitions in mind let’s move to Third Normal Form.
For a table in third normal form
  • It should already be in Second Normal Form.
  • There should be no transitive dependency, i.e. we shouldn’t have any non-key column depending on any other non-key column.
Again we need to make sure that the non-key columns depend upon the primary key and not on any other non-key column.

Album Artist No. of tracks Country
Come on over Shania Twain 11 Canada
History Michael Jackson 15 USA
Up Shania Twain 11 Canada
MCMXC A.D. Enigma 8 Spain
The cross of changes Enigma 10 Spain

Although the above table looks fine but still there is something in it because of which we will normalize it further.

Album is the primary key of the above table.

Artist and No. of tracks are functionally dependent on the Album(primary key).

But can we say the same of Country as well?

In the above table Country value is getting repeated because of artist.

So in our above table Country column is depended on Artist column which is a non-key column.

So we will move that information in another table and could save table from redundancy i.e. repeating values of Country column.

Album Artist No. of tracks
Come on over Shania Twain 11
History Michael Jackson 15
Up Shania Twain 11
MCMXC A.D. Enigma 8
The cross of changes Enigma 10
Artist Country
Shania Twain Canada
Michael Jackson USA
Enigma Spain

Normally this is considered enough and we don’t really go on applying the other normal forms.

Most of real-world application has databases which are in third normal forms.

Sunday 22 April 2012

First and Last Row of the TABLE

First row of table 
SQL>select * from EMP where rownum = 1 order by rowid desc;
Last Row of table
SQL>select * from EMP where rowid IN (select max (rowid) from EMP);
SQL>select  * from (select * from emp order by rowid desc) where rownum = 1;


SQL> select ename , sal from emp a where 1 = ( select count(*) from emp b
where b.sal > a.sal);
ENAME             SAL
---------- ----------
JONES            2975

We can generalized this query for other highest salary.

SQL> select ename , sal from emp a where N-1 = ( select count(*) from emp b where b.sal > a.sal);

where N-1 is the any number which you want to select rank wise salary.
for example if we want to select third highest salary then N-1 becomes 2 and
if we want fourth then it becomes 3.

Difference between VIEW and SYNONYM.

Difference between VIEW and SYNONYM.
1.   It doesn’t contain data itself.

     2.view occupies no space for data

     3.view has only query

1. It contain data itself.

2.synonym occupy space for data

3.synonym can be used as an alias name for the table name

Difference Between ROWID AND ROWNUM

Difference between ROWID and ROWNUM.
                       Row id
1.Physical address of the rows.

2.Rowid is permanent
3.Rowid is 16-bit hexadecimal
4.Rowid gives address of rows or records
5. Rowid is automatically generated unique id of a row and it is generated at the time of insertion of row.
6. ROWID is the fastest means of accessing data.
7. They are unique identifiers for the any row in a table.

1. Rownum is the sequential number, allocated to each returned row during query execution.
2. Rownum is temporary.
3.Rownum is numeric
4.Rownum gives count of records
5. Rownum is an dynamic value automatically
retrieved along with select statement output.
6. It represents the sequential order in which Oracle has retrieved the row.